Registry Keys on multiple SQL instances

  • Hello,

    I can't figure this out.... I'm on PowerShell version 2, and version 4, and just starting to learn PS.

    This is a very basic code to find the location of the errorlog on the registry.

    I know we can do that by connecting to SQL, but this is intended to our SysAdmin friends that don't have access to SQL (non-DBAs), and for machines that I don't support and I cant get to it, but still want to help

    I want to be able to tell them "run this powershell" and send the the file!

    I have the following script:

    # Searches for SQL server installed on machine

    $RegKey = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL??*\MSSQLServer\parameters"

    # Filter -e for errorlog. -d for master file

    $Filter = "-e"

    # Stores a list of the SQLArg Registry Keys

    $Param1 = Get-Item $RegKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty property

    # Creates an Object, and filters those starting with the filter

    $Param2 = $Param1 | ForEach-Object { New-Object psobject -Property @{"property"=$_; "Value" = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegKey -Name $_).$_}}

    # Finally, removes -e from the string

    $Param3 = (($Param2 | Where-Object {$_.Value -like ($Filter+"*") }).Value).Replace($Filter,"")

    New-Object psobject -Property @{"Path"=$Param3 ; "ServerName" = $env:COMPUTERNAME}

    However, the code does not work when we have more than one instance installed.

    The reason is that $Param1 returns an array ( SQLArg0, SQLArg1, SQLArg2, SQLArg0, SQLArg1, SQLArg2) and then when I run this part of code...:

    Get-ItemProprty -Path $Regkey -Name $Param1

    I get the error

    Get-ItemProperty : The member "SQLArg0" is already present.

    At line:1 char:17

    + Get-ItemProperty <<<< -Path $RegKey -Name $Param1

    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-ItemProperty], ExtendedTypeSystemException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AlreadyPresentPSMemberInfoInternalCollectionAdd,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemPro


    So I need to somehow loop, but I can't figure out how to loop here...

    Suggestions? Resources?



  • I am away from a computer with both PowerShell and SQL Server to running blind here.

    What is the output at the command line for $Param1?


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Thank you Gary.

    I made a mistake on the post, so I corrected it (edit)

    If one instance, $Param1 returns an array ( SQLArg0, SQLArg1, SQLArg2)

    so $Param2 returns its values, for each SQLArg key.

    Value Property

    -ec:\mssq\... SQLArg0

    .... .......

    However, if there are two instances, $Param1 returns an array ( SQLArg0, SQLArg1, SQLArg2, SQLArg0, SQLArg1, SQLArg2)

    and $Param2 cannot get the values (item property value)


  • It sounds like you need to loop around the $Param1 array in threes. Something a little like this:

    for ($instanceIndex = 0; ($instanceIndex + 2) -lt $Param1.Count; $instanceIndex += 3)


    $sqlInstanceInfo1 = $Param1[$instanceIndex];

    $sqlInstanceInfo2 = $Param1[$instanceIndex + 1];

    $sqlInstanceInfo3 = $Param1[$instanceIndex + 2];



    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Thank you for your time, but this will not work because

    #1- The SQLArg is not always in groups of three. Sometimes a server might have a start up parameter, you know, those like -T<flag> so it'll have an extra SQLArg3 SQLArg4 ,etc

    #2- Then I do command Get-Item -Name I can't pass the -Name param, meaning the RegKey hive.... I can do it.

    I need to grab the first Instance Hive, put in an object, and then pass the name and its property... so I can pull the info I need.

    I just can't figure out how to do that

  • I think it must be the way you are reading it from the registry. Are you flattening a structure? If so you might need to have you retrieval of registry data in a loop instead.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • mmm I run hte script on another server and I didn't have issues.

    I think I might have an issue on the first server.

    meaning my script works, but no on that server. I'll have to go back and check.

    thank you for your time.

  • You are most welcome. Good luck in finding the issue (BTW reporting back here might help someone else later on).


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • after looking into it... I found the problem.

    It's a version issue. Version 2 vs Version 4.

    If you have a PSCustom object, $ObjA , and you want to select a NoteProperty, called "ntprt"

    here is how you do it:

    PSVersion 4:


    PSVersion 2;

    $ObjA | Select-Object -Property ntpr

    So in my script, the problem was a version issue, not LOOPING.

    gosh... that's what a good night sleep does to you 🙂

  • Thanks for coming back to post the solution.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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