Regarding data migation with update delete insert

  • I executed it.. all values are coming unique in table but i want a collegecode from cutoffcode transition that is coming null 🙁

    Thanks & Regards,

  • I designed table of college_cutoffmaster as a master table there is different collegecode for each stream means each cutoffid will contain different college code.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Obviously you will get null values in College code until you have a record in College_CutoffCodeTransition with the cutoffid and you cannot insert cuttoffid before you insert data to [College_CutoffMaster].

    ie., either you are going wrong on design or you are going wrong on businesslogic.

    Make sure you are on the right track to the destination.

  • Yah it means i need to take college code in college_cutoffmaster table right???

    but i m confused here see below query,

    insert into College_Maharashtra_BEngcutoffmaster1([CutoffId],cutoff,collegeid,degreeid,streamid,entranceid,gender,UniversityType,Capround,collegecode)

    select a.[CutoffId],[Cutoff],[CollegeId],[DegreeId],[StreamId],[EntranceId],[Gender],[UniversityType],[Capround],b.collegecode from College_CutoffMaster a, College_CutoffCodeTransition b

    where a.cutoffid=b.cutoffid

    here by executing this one we get all record with collegecode transition at once .. but why it's giving problem in trigger??

    Surely i thing it's design problem.. or what else wrong trigger query?

    Thanks & Regards,

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