Referance Source and Destination in SQL

  • Heloo all,

    I would like to append to a table on SQL Server 7. The source table is in a Progress database (never heard of it? join the club!)that is accesable through a Progress ODBC driver. In my package I have a connection to the source and destination table with a transformation between them. In the transformation on the source tab, I want to write SQL that will query the destination table for the MAX of a transaction number field and then grab only records from the source table whose transactions are greater than this MAX. I tried the following with fully qualified identifiers:

    SELECT all fields

    FROM sourcetable

    WHERE sourcetable.tran-num >

    (SELECT MAX(destinationtable.tran-num)

    FROM destinationtable)

    No good! Can you check something in the destination table and use it to select from the source table in DTS?

  • Have you tried using either an activex task object or a dynamic task object along with a global variable to pull the max trans number from the destination table then reference your global variable in an execute sql task object?



    PS - If you have problems with this I might be able to dig around and find some code that is close to what you need...

    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Thanks for your reply Mike,

    I see now that ActiveX is the way to go here. I am a bit confused about the big picture however. What about this:

    1. ActiveX script that uses ADO to get max transaction from destination table and puts it into a global variable.

    2. Datapump that uses the global variable value as the criteria in a SELECT statement.

    What I don't get is how does the result of this select statement get pumped to the destination table?

    Thanks and any code you have would be welcomed if its not too much trouble.


  • Your assumptions (1) & (2) are correct...use an activex task, with ADO query for your max value...then you should either be able to use a global variable in your insert sql statement or you could place your insert statement in your activex task and run it under ado to accomplish the insert...



    PS - I will look for some code examples I may have that are similar to what you want to accomplish. If I find something, I will post it here...

    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Hi,

    Just to say my two cents worth, wouldn't it be easier to make a linked server to the source from the traget server, as you said that Progress DB has a ODBC driver and then run the fully qualified query you wrote, with out anything else?

  • Thanks for your reply Ranjit,

    I am hesitant to link servers because the Progress database is our production database for our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)software. The Progress database has its version of transaction logs (called before image files). I am concerned that linking the servers would cause a flood of ODBC activity in the before image file and crah the database. I don't know enough about the implications of linking.

    Thanks again


  • Jonathan,

    If both servers are MS SQL, the enviroment I am used with, if the source server is linked and copied FROM the source to the target, the

    tansaction log gets updated ONLY in the target server as that's where the data gets loaded. I believe it should be the same in your environment. You probably could do a test by copying a small number od records



  • Thanks again Ranjit

    I will take your suggestion and try a test.


  • Jon,

    Establishing a linked server just stores your connection string information in the master..sysservers table as you have in the DTS package. The only ODBC traffic you'll see is from active queries as you would from the DTS package anyway. It really is the way to go.

    Good luck,


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