Recycle SQL Agent Error Logs

  • hi all

    I want to keep 1 month worth of SQL agent Error logs and plan to cycle every week  by running : EXEC dbo.sp_cycle_agent_errorlog ( using SQL JOB)

    How do I do this ?

    Thanks All


  • Create a job with a job step in msdb database that executes the command: Exec dbo.sp_cycle_agent_errorlog

    And then schedule it to run once a week.


  • By default, the agent maintains 9 logs. Each time the service starts, it creates a new log and discards the oldest one.

    If you recycle manually once a week, you should have nine weeks, but any service restart could change this, so you could potentially have less than a month of logs at any time. You can also set to remove history older than xx weeks in the Agent Properties.


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