Reading a variable from sqlcmd script back into a stored procedure

  • Hi there

    I have written a stored procedure which generates a statement to execute a SQLCMD script

    as follows:

    sqlcmd -E -h-1  -S LONDEVSQL01


    -i"\\LONDEVSQL01 \Segmentation\Segmentation1\ScriptToRunOnLiveServer\sqlcmdTransferExtract.sql"

    -v varOfferingFileName="01_ExtractImportParameters.csv"

    This is the content of sqlcmdTransferExtract.sql

    Insert into StoredProcedureRunTracker




    set @StoredProcedureRunTrackerID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

    Exec sSupportGenerateExtractFile @StoredProcedureRunTrackerID = @StoredProcedureRunTrackerID,

    @OfferingFileName = '$(varOfferingFileName)'

    How can I pass the variable @StoredProcedureRunTrackerID  back to the stored procedure which called

    the script, so that I can use @StoredProcedureRunTrackerID ?

    Can I do something like


    sqlcmd -E -h-1  -S LONDEVSQL01


    -i"\\LONDEVSQL01 \Segmentation\Segmentation1\ScriptToRunOnLiveServer\sqlcmdTransferExtract.sql"

    -v varOfferingFileName="01_ExtractImportParameters.csv"

    - o @StoredProcedureRunTrackerID  = '$(StoredProcedureRunTrackerID)'

  • Can you direct the output from the SQLCMD script to a text file, then open it using OpenRowset??


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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