RAID Configuration Best Practices for SQL on Hyper-V and CLustering

  • Hi Guys ,

    We are building new Virtual environment for SQL Server and have to define RAID level configuration for SQL Server setup.

    Please share your thoughts for RAID configuration for SQL data, log , temppdb, Backup files .

    Files RAID Level

    SQL Data File -->

    SQL Log Files-->

    Tempdb Data-->

    Tempdb log-->

    Backup files--> .

    Any other configuration best practices are more then welcome .

    Like Memory Setting at OS level , LUN Settings.

    Best practices to configure SQL Server in Hyper-V with clustering.

    Thank you

  • One of Best Reply from Ed

    SQL Data File(s) --> Raid 10 or Raid 5

    SQL Log File(s) --> Raid 1

    Tempdb Data --> Raid 10 or Raid 5

    Temdb log --> Raid 1

    Backup files --> Whatever meets your requirements for disaster recovery

    My personal other "best practices"

    Never run a production SQL Server in a virtual environment.

    Memory - make sure the service account has the lock pages in privilege and manually designate all available RAM for SQL Server other than about 4GB for the OS. Unless you have far more RAM than you need for SQL Server and that's just about never the case.

    Hyper-V with clustering - NO. Whomever came up with this idea never managed a SQL Server in a busy environment where many variables were completely beyond the control of the DBA.

    LUN settings - Isolate data files on separate independent disks connected to independent controllers or ports. The same goes for log files. Be ready to add additional independent LUNS for additional data files should you find you have excessive contention.

    MAXDOP - if you have more than 4 cores available then set the MAXDOP at the server level (sp_configure) to 4 and be prepaid to tweak the setting.

  • there are a few things I would question in this answer.

    SQL Log Files and tempdb: raid 10 would be far better than raid1. while raid1 gives you redundancy for heavy write disks like log and tempdb you want performance as well. Raid 10 will give you best performance for writes.

    "Never run a production SQL Server in a virtual environment" - It is perfectly fine to run Production SQL Servers in virtualization. Granted there are more thing to consider in setup/monitoring/troubleshooting but if done correctly you would be hard pressed to notice a performance difference.

    maxdop - instead of setting it to 4, you should set it to the max number of cores per NUMA node has many post & videos about virtualizing SQL Server

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