Querying Week Start date

  • Dear all,

    I have a table called Weeks which is having 2 columns:

    1) WeekId [Primary Key auto indexed] data type: Int

    2) WeekStartDate [data type: Date]

    The Column WeekStartDate contains 52 dates which are falling on saturday for this whole year(2012).

    I need a list of dates containing current Week start date along with next 13 week start dates from the Weeks table.

    Please kindly help with a sql query statement for the above mentioned problem.

    Thanks in advance.


  • knocking up some sample data and results query, I believe this will do the trick

    declare @weeks table (weekid int identity, weekstartdate date)

    insert into @weeks values ('2012-06-02')

    declare @x int = 1, @a int = 7

    while @x <= 20


    insert into @weeks select convert(date,dateadd(day,@a,'2012-06-02'))

    set @a = @a + 7

    set @x = @x + 1


    select * from @weeks

    ;with cte as



    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY WeekStartDate) AS RowNum,





    weekstartdate >= DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE())


    select * from cte where rownum <=14

  • In following, -2 will give you previous Saturday, you can manipulate this number to get other days

    select b,dateadd(day,Datediff(Week,0,GETDATE()) * 7,-2+((b-1)*7))

    from (values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13)) a(b)

  • You could do something like this:

    DECLARE @NbrWeeks INT

    SET @NbrWeeks = 13

    SELECT weekstartdate

    FROM @weeks


    and weekstartdate <= DATEADD(WEEK,@NbrWeeks,DATEADD(DAY,-2,DATEADD(WEEK,DATEDIFF(WEEK,0,GETDATE()),0)))

  • Dear All,

    That's simply great! works charmly...

    Many Many thanks for your valuable help!



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