Querying a Registered Server Group

  • Hi everyone!

    OK, my goal is to be able to collect baseline statistic data from across all instances in our infrastructure and place the results into holding tables in a centralised location ie. a server with an instance dedicate to the task.

    In order to be able to complete the task I need to be able to query all databases across all instances and in order to accomplish that, I have created within the SSMS registered server groups with all of the servers I want to collect information on. Querying ad-hoc against the group is easy, that is not the problem. The problem is what T-SQL can I execute within a job that can collect this information? OPENQUERY has been suggested but that can only (as far as I am aware) operate against a single database. For me that would mean executing around 300 OPENQUERY statements every 15 minutes in some cases.

    The only other solution I have come up with is to create a small database in each instance with associated jobs to populate the holding tables.

    So then, the question: What T-SQL do I need to execute to be able to query an entire server group and not just an indiividual database?

    Many thanks for yur help in advance!



  • Might be easier to use Powershell. Create a database with a table containing all the database instance names that you want to connect to, use Powershell to read that table and connect to the instances one by one - pull the data you require and then populate another table with the results. Schedule the Powershell script to run as a Windows task or think you can also run it via a SQL job.

  • Thank you for your input.

    It is looking like the solution lies outside of SQL Server itself so I will be looking at PowerShell as the answer. Once I figure out how to do that I will post the result here.

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