Problem generating replication script

  • Hello everybody,

    I try to generate a script from a publication on SQL2K server. This worked last week for another publication, but today all I get is an error 2812 "Could not find stored procedure distribution..sp_MShelpsubscriptionjobname". I then tried it with the publication I scripted succesfully last week, but the same error.

    I checked the distribution database and the procedure in question does not exists.

    Next I configured a new distributor and publication on a test machine and even though the new distribution database doesn't have a procedure called sp_MShelpsubscriptionjobname, I am able to generate scripts. What is happening here ?????

    Any ideas

    Tia Markus


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Hello everybody,

    I think I solved the issue. First of all the procedure in question resides in the master and not in the distribution database. Second the fact that I couldn't create the scripts seems to be connected to the fact that we use a remote distributor. As long as a publication has no subscriptions I can generate scripts, but as soon as a subscriptions is added the gererate script function raises this error.

    Which leaves the question, how can I generate scripts which have all the information of the publications including the subscribers ?


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • I'll take a stab at it, even though a) I've never had any trouble scripting pubs with subs, and b) I can't fing that proc in any database on the distributor, the publisher, nor the subscriber.

    This sounds like an issue with permissions or authentication. Are you connecting to EM using NT authentication or a SQL account? Does your login have access to the remote distributor? Replication talks to the distributor through the distributor_admin id, but I suspect that EM doesn't do the same while generating a script.

  • Skeane,

    yes I connect with my windows account which has sysadmin permissions on the the subscriber, the distributor and the publisher. And as I wrote before the procedure sp_MShelpsubscriptionjobname can be found on the publisher in the master database.

    Also the publisher and the distributor run under the same domain account. After manually adding the procedure sp_MShelpsubscriptionjobname on the distributor I get a different error message, "Error 208: Invalid objectname dbo.MSdistributionagents". This of course is a table which exists in the distribution database.

    I can script any publication without subscriptions and I tried on my workstation that I can also script any replication with subscriptions as long as I use a local distributor.


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • I wish I could see what you see, said the blind man. I have confirmed do not have that proc in any database on any of the three servers. Are you pushing or pulling the subscriptions? Transactional, merge or snapshot replication?

    It sounds like the proc might belong in distribution, not master. I say this because the original error msg is qualified that way and the 208 error references a distribution object. If you look at the proc's code I'm sure you will find it does nothing to establish the database for the object.

  • Skeane

    we use transactional replication with push subscriptions on SQL2K SP4. The reason why it's not working is probably that the distributor server is not defined as a linked server on the Publisher and so the procedure can't access the jobinformation. Anyhow for your information I copied the code from the procedure. I might dive into it myself and tweak it a little so it satisfies my needs,but at the moment more urgent things keep me busy.

    create procedure dbo.sp_helpsubscriptionjobname


        @publication    sysname,

        @subscriber     sysname,

        @subscriber_db  sysname




        set nocount on

        declare @publisher          sysname

        declare @publisher_db       sysname

        declare @retcode            int

        declare @distproc           nvarchar(1000)

        declare @distributor        sysname

        declare @distribdb          sysname   

        declare @independent_agent  int

        set @publisher = @@servername

        set @publisher_db = db_name()

        set @retcode = 0   

        set @independent_agent = null

        exec @retcode = sp_MSreplcheck_publish

        if @@error <> 0 or @retcode <> 0

            return 1

        if object_id('dbo.syspublications') is null or

           object_id('dbo.sysextendedarticlesview') is null or

           object_id('dbo.syssubscriptions') is null

            return 1

        -- Check that the specified push subscription exists and whether it

        -- uses a shared agent

        select @independent_agent = pub.independent_agent

          from dbo.syspublications pub

         inner join dbo.sysextendedarticlesview art

            on pub.pubid = art.pubid

         inner join dbo.syssubscriptions sub

            on sub.artid = art.artid

         inner join master..sysservers srv

            on sub.srvid = srv.srvid

         where = @publication

           and upper(srv.srvname) = upper(@subscriber)

           and sub.dest_db = @subscriber_db      

           and sub.subscription_type = 0

        if @independent_agent is null

            return 1

        if @independent_agent = 0

            set @publication = 'ALL'


        exec @retcode = dbo.sp_helpdistributor @rpcsrvname = @distributor output,

            @distribdb = @distribdb output

        if @retcode <> 0 or @@error <> 0

            return 1

        set @distproc = quotename(@distributor) + N'.' + quotename(@distribdb) + '..sp_MShelpsubscriptionjobname'

        exec @retcode = @distproc

                @publisher = @publisher,

                @publisher_db = @publisher_db,

                @publication = @publication,

                @subscriber = @subscriber,

                @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db

        return @retcode




    Have fun


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • This started happening on each SQL machine as we applied SP4. The standard script to script out replication will work if it's in a DTS packages, but will no longer work when a Job calls the DTS package, nor when the job has the ActiveX script in it directly.

    John Scarborough

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