PowerShell script to monitor SQL Server error log

  • I'm trying to use the below power shell script to monitor SQL Server error log:

    Write-host "entering Monitor errorlog"

    . C:\DBAScripts\MonitorErrorLog\dbaLib.ps1

    Write-host "entered dbalib"

    $Servers = Import-CSV "C:\DBAScripts\MonitorErrorLog\Servers_Errorlog.txt" -Header Hostname,InstanceName

    write-host $Servers

    ForEach ($sqlhost In $Servers)


    $sqlServiceName = $sqlhost.hostName



    #gc Servers_Errorlog.txt | % {

    #$sqlServiceName,$InstanceName = $_ -split "," | convertfrom-stringdata | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values


    #[String] $sqlServiceName=""

    #[String] $instanceName=""

    write-host "$sqlServiceName"

    write-host "$instanceName"

    # Get the Database Engine service name of the SQL Server instance $instanceName

    if ($instanceName -eq 'MSSQLSERVER') {



    else {

    $sqlServiceName='MSSQL$' + $instanceName


    # Only if the SQL Server instance is running, the monitoring starts.

    if ((Get-Service $sqlServiceName).Status -eq 'Running' ) {

    $query= "SELECT * FROM ERRORLOG WHERE Severity >= 1"

    $sqlNamespace= "root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ServerEvents\$instanceName"

    $selections= "ComputerName","SQLInstance", "Error","Severity","TextData"

    Notify-WMIEvent $query $sqlNamespace $selections


    Write-host "leaving Monitor errorlog"

    But getting the below error. Please advise

    PS C:\DBAScripts\MonitorErrorLog> .\Monitor-SQLServerErrorLog.ps1

    entering Monitor errorlog

    entered dbalib

    @{Hostname=hostName; InstanceName=instanceName} @{Hostname=sqldba1; InstanceName=ins1} @{Hostname=; InstanceNam

    Get-Service : Cannot find any service with service name 'MSSQL$'.

    At C:\DBAScripts\MonitorErrorLog\Monitor-SQLServerErrorLog.ps1:60 char:17

    + if ((Get-Service <<<< $sqlServiceName).Status -eq 'Running' ) {

    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (MSSQL$:String) [Get-Service], ServiceCommandException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand

    leaving Monitor errorlog

    PS C:\DBAScripts\MonitorErrorLog>

  • Hi Gary,
    Hope you are doing well.
    I need the same script to implement in our environment if so can you please provide the PowerShell script  to Automate Monitoring SQL Server Error Logs with Email Alerts which is HTML format adn from server.txt file  .I will appreciate your help with thissituation,Please help …

    Thanks in advance!!

    Best regards,

    SQL server DBA

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