Pivot Table Problem

  • I am having a huge brain fart on how to accomplish what I want. I want to pivot the attached set of data (sql file) to look like this

    Annotation 2020-05-20 102257

    (I know its an image but I am not savy enough to plop an actual result set in here).

    The attached file creates a temp file with all of the data in it.

    I got this far before coming to the boards

    select T1.AllergyName ,ValueName = col, value from dbo.AirAndPollenScale T1
    cross apply (select 'ScaleStart', convert(nvarchar(100), ISNULL(ScaleStart, -1)) UNION ALL
    SELECT 'ScaleEnd', convert(nvarchar(100), ISNULL(ScaleEnd, -1)) UNION ALL
    SELECT 'ScaleValue', convert(nvarchar(100), ScaleValue) ) c (col, value)
    ) d
    PIVOT (min(value)
    for ValueName in ([ScaleStart],
    [ScaleValue])) piv;
    IF NOT ('tempdb..#AirAndPollenScale') IS NULL
    DROP TABLE #AirAndPollenScale

    CREATE TABLE #AirAndPollenScale(
    [AllergyScaleID] [int] ,
    [AllergyName] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
    [ScaleStart] [int] NULL,
    [ScaleEnd] [int] NULL,
    [ScaleValue] [nvarchar](100) NULL
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (1, N'Mold', 1, 6499, N'Low')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (2, N'Mold', 6500, 12999, N'Moderate')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (3, N'Mold', 13000, 49999, N'High')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (4, N'Mold', 50000, NULL, N'Very High')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (13, N'Weed', 1, 9, N'Low')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (14, N'Weed', 10, 49, N'Moderate')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (17, N'AirQuality', 0, 50, N'Good')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (18, N'AirQuality', 51, 100, N'Moderate')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (23, N'UVIndex', 1, 2, N'Low')
    INSERT #AirAndPollenScale ([AllergyScaleID], [AllergyName], [ScaleStart], [ScaleEnd], [ScaleValue]) VALUES (24, N'UVIndex', 3, 5, N'Moderate')

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  SQL Espo.
  • Please post the code with a repro that has some data. We don't allow .sql files to be uploaded.

  • Please let me know if how I added the inserts to my original post is okay, and if its not, please tell me what you mean by "repo". I assume you mean a GitHub repo, but want to make sure 🙂

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