Performance Condition Alerts

  • I need some help with setting up a Performance Condition Alert in SQL Server 2000. I want to fire an alert whenever the Buffer Manager:Buffer cache hit ratio falls below 97%. The alert has been set up with the following settings:

    Type: SQL Server performance condition alert

    Object: SQLServer:Buffer Manager

    Counter: Buffer cache hit ratio

    Alert if counter: falls below Value: 97

    I receive an email when the alert fires. Unfortunately it fires continuously with the following alert message:

    "The SQL Server performance counter 'Buffer cache hit ratio' (instance 'N/A') of

    object 'SQLServer:Buffer Manager' is now below the threshold of 97.00 (the current value is 0.99)."

    I must be missing something about how the counter value is entered because I know I want to look at a ratio/percentage, but can only enter a numeric without any decimal places in the Alert definition. But, the alert detects a value of .99 which is of course lower than 97 and so it fires off an email. There is some type of mismatch between the scale of the numbers being compared going on somewhere, but I don't know what/where to change.

    Any ideas? Thanks--

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  • I added an alert with Buffer Cache Hit Ratio, falls below, 0.97 and it worked. I tried .97 and got an error. 97 worked just as you mentioned.

    This is SQL 2000, SP2

    Steve Jones

  • Thanks Steve. I had tried adding .97, but got the error msg. Entering 0.97 is what I needed to do.

  • Glad to help. Threw me for awhile as well. just kept trying things.

    Steve Jones

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