PDF refuses to be found in FT-Index on a file table

  • I've worked my way through several forums, and tried suggestions, but to no avail.

    I have a filetable and use a statement like

    SELECT [name],file_stream

    FROM dbo.Inkoopfacturen

    WHERE FREETEXT(file_stream, 'Factuur');

    It will return the text found in a .pptx but not in a pdf. There are no errors in the FT-log. It tells me that the FT-index is succesfully build.

    I have downloaded the iFilter for Adobe (installed it in a folder with a short name), set the temp variable to the bin folder of the installation.

    I've executed the following queries:

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'update_languages';

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1;

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts';

    Exec sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0

    When I run the following statement, it'll show pdf in the resultset.

    SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_document_types order by document_type

    Still, content is not found.


  • A couple things.

    Is the PDF filter installation folder in the PATH variable? I think it needs to be in the system variable path.

    Have you restarted the OS? I had some flaky issues getting the PDF filter to work, even when loading OS resources.

    The other thing is that you might need to rebuild your FT index. I'd put a PDF in a new, smaller table with a few docs and rebuild a new index. Then you can test a bit there.

  • Hi Steve. Thanks for your answer. The things you mentioned I already did. I followed the instructions in the link (again). But without result.

    - I uninstalled the PDF filter

    - Deleted the FT-index

    - Restarted the server

    - Installed the filter again

    - Made sure the path environment var was still pointing to the right folder

    - I created the FT-index

    - I started Full Population


  • Oh, and I executed these statements

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'update_languages';

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1;

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts';

    Exec sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0

    SELECT document_type, path from sys.fulltext_document_types where document_type = '.pdf'

  • Try restarting again, after installation. The 3-4 times I've done this, it's gone differently every time. No idea why. Even documented it and followed the steps the same, AFAIK, and it didn't work once, did another.

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