Passing parameters in Stored procedures

  • Hi All,

    I have a stored procedure like :


    @InTestSP int,

    @OutTestSP int OUTPUT


    SET @OutTest = @InTestSP + 2

    RETURN 1


    In DTS I am trying to pass the input parameter value using a Global Variable (say G1) and retrieve the output parameter value in another global variable (say G2) using an Execute SQL Task. But I am unable to do so.

    Inside the Execute SQL statement I have written a query like:

    DECLARE @OUTTestSP int


    SELECT @OUTTestSP TestSPResult

    But it gives a syntax error. It works fine if I hardcode the Input parameter value.

    Can anybody please help. It is not nesessary to use Execute SQL task also. Any possible way of doing it will work fine.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Here is a VBScript that could work for you. If not, then I hope it will at least get you started. I only know a little VBScript and so had to change your SP to make it work. Place the following code in an ActiveX task:


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    globalval = DTSGlobalvariables("global").value

    DTSGlobalvariables("G1").value = 5

    ' specify the OLE DB provider.

    set dbConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    dbConnection.Provider = "sqloledb"

    dbstr = "Server=Server01;database=TestRobert;UID=username;pwd=password" dbstr

    getResult = "EXEC TestSP @inTestSP = " & DTSGlobalvariables("G1").value

    set SPoutput = dbConnection.execute(getResult)

    globalval = DTSGlobalvariables("global").value

    DTSGlobalvariables("G2").value = SPoutput("OutTestSP")

    msgbox DTSGlobalvariables("G2").value

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    Here is how I modified the SP:


    @InTestSP int


    SELECT @InTestSP + 2 AS [OutTestSP]

    RETURN 1


    Or perhaps this will help someone else to suggest a better way.

    The above connection string must be modified with your server name, database name, valid SQL Server login and the password for that login. I think there is a way to make it use a Windows NT account. If you need that I will see if I can find how to do that in a book I have.

    Robert Marda

    Robert W. Marda
    Billing and OSS Specialist - SQL Programmer
    MCL Systems

  • Thanks Robert, I have done it using VB Script only, but in a slightly different way. Thanks for giving the idea of using it.

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