Page breaks inside an item, matrix or list

  • Hi all, i´m creating a report, and rendering it to a .net Report Viewer, from where we print the document to paper.

    The document is a Sales Order. I´ve the document header, and then the details, composed by a matrix inside a list.

    The problem is that sometimes, if the list with the matrix fits to one page, then reporting service makes a page break below the document header, and sends the details to a new page. You can see this when you turn to page layout from the report viewer.

    If the list is shorter or longer then the report is paged fine.

    Does anyone know if it´s possible to force two items (header item and details item) to keep togheter? or allow breaks iniside an item like a matrix?

    I´ve read that reporting services will fit objects in a new page when is possible, but I didn´t found a way to disable this.. if that way exists.

    We have tried several ways, grouping the items in lists or rectangles, subreports, margins, interactive height, etc, but everytime the result is the same.. 


  • There's a "KeepTogether" property for the matrix (in layout). Check that setting.

    Also, make sure you don't have spacing (blank areas) above and below your matrix in the body. It could be tripping up the space calculations. Put any spacing in the header / footer.

  • After much reading and testing, I've concluded that the "List" control DOES NOT OPERATE AS EXPECTED as relates to the KeepTogether property.

    Only repeating detail items "may" stay together but if you put multiple text boxes, tables and the linke in a list, you CANNOT keep them together.

    This is a major oversight and issue - here's a little funny commentary about SSRS and the grouping issue. 

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