One-to-Many entity in a single table

  • Hello,

    I need to identify uniquely repeated values from a table which has a field (value one to many IDs).

    Group by clause is not giving me what I need, because as a pair they are distinct.

    CREATE TABLE ##myTable (emailID int, emailaddress VARCHAR(20), activitydate datetime)

    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (100,'','18/02/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (102,'','28/01/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (105,'','20/02/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (107,'','22/02/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (117,'','23/03/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (118,'','20/03/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (125,'','21/03/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (125,'','22/03/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (125,'','22/03/2019')
    INSERT INTO ##myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate) VALUES (125,'','25/03/2019')

    SELECT emailID, emailaddress , count(emailaddress)

    FROM ##myTable

    GROUP BY emailID, emailaddress
    having count(emailaddress) > 1

    DROP TABLE ##myTable


    I need to fetch these email addresses from the example table as they occur multiple times with separate IDs.

    '' and ''

    Thank you in advance.



  • What exactly do you want the output to look like?


  • One way:

    CREATE TABLE #myTable (emailID int, emailaddress VARCHAR(20), activitydate datetime);
    INSERT INTO #myTable (emailID,emailaddress, activitydate)
    VALUES (100,'','2019/02/18')
    , (102,'','2019/01/28')
    , (105,'','2019/02/20')
    , (107,'','2019/02/22')
    , (117,'','2019/03/23')
    , (118,'','2019/03/20')
    , (125,'','2019/03/21')
    , (125,'','2019/03/22')
    , (125,'','2019/03/22')
    , (125,'','2019/03/25');

    WITH UniqueCnts AS (
    SELECT [mt].[emailaddress], [emailIDCnt] = COUNT(DISTINCT [mt].[emailID])
    [#myTable] AS [mt]
    SELECT *
    [#myTable] AS [mt]
    EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [UniqueCnts] AS [uc] WHERE [mt].[emailaddress] = [uc].[emailaddress] AND [uc].[emailIDCnt] > 1);

    DROP TABLE #myTable;
  • Lynn,

    Spot on.  that's exactly what I was after.  I was trying with CTEs too, but you won the race.

    Many thanks for this.


  • SELECT emailaddress, COUNT(DISTINCT emailID) AS emailID_Count
    FROM ##myTable
    GROUP BY emailaddress

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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