Ole db source issue in Data flow

  • Hi,

    I'm experiencing a frustrating issue when trying to call a proc in an OLE DB source task. I'm using the SQL command from variable data access mode but I can see that it isn't evaluating my variable correctly.

    My variable (with ValidateAsExpression set to True) uses an expression to create a sql command like "EXEC ProcName 'Param'" where the value of Param comes from a variable who's value I set using an EXEC SQL task. Below is the expression:

    "EXEC ProcName " + "'" + @[User::vDateThreshold] + "'"

    If I use a variable in my source that references a static value it works fine, but the issue seems to be when I use a variable which reference another variable in its expression.

    Has anyone else come across this issue?

    I'm using this method because I've had a similar issue when trying to use a parameter with the sql command data access method.

    Thanks in advance

  • What is the data type of @[User::vDateThreshold]?

    When you say: "I can see that it isn’t evaluating my variable correctly", what are you seeing, exactly\?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • That variable uses the string data type.

    I know the variable is being set as expected by the EXEC SQL task but my other string variable called vSQLString uses an expression that references vDateThreshold, and when I set my ole db source to use the vSQLString variable zero rows are passed in the data flow.

    If I use a stand alone variable that has its value explicitly set to my SQL query and use this in the data flow it works as expected. It appears as though it doesn't like a variable that uses an expression to set its value.

    i hope that makes sense.

  • Try setting a breakpoint after the ExecSQL task so that you can inpect the runtime contents of your vSQLString variable ... perhaps that will throw some light on what is happening.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • <!--more-->I set a breakpoint at the postExec event of the exec sql task and the variable seemed to be set correctly.

    I'll triple check that though.

  • Please check that both of the variables are being set correctly.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Thanks, Phil.

    I again looked at the value of the variables and I noticed that the value for vDateThreshold was set incorrectly due to some ordering of the tasks. I just completely missed that when looking into the issue and everything is now working as expected.

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