ODBC Connection

  • Help....... I have an app that I'm trying to develop and I'm having all kinds of trouble!  I have an Access 2K Frontend that I created an ODBC connetion to my SQL 2k Backend.  The strange thing is everything seemed to work normally after I ran some script that allows me to get rid of the dbo extension on my frontend link tables.  Now all the tables look just like they did when they were Access tables however I've got a couple of subforms that will not work.  They work fine in access but when I navigate to those subforms using the sql backend everything else works except two of the subforms. It's almost like sql can't see or run those two subforms but it runs all of the rest.  Could this be a connection issue? Maybe a broken link?  IS that even possible?  Help Please !

  • It depends on what you mean by "will not work".  If the data appears, but the subform won't let you update, the problem is likely to be in the RecordSource of the form that is the SourceObject of the subform. 

    Certain recordsets are update-able when all tables are in Access, but are not update-able when any or all tables are in SQL Server. 

    All the tables in SQL Server must have unique key fields if they are to be updated through ODBC; also SQL Server will never let you update a RecordSource that includes outer joins.  If the tables are in Access you can get away with updates in both of these situtations.

    I suggest you copy the RecordSource string into an Access Query (if the RecordSource doesn't start with a SELECT statement, the query string should be SELECT * FROM {RecordSource value} ).  Then diagnose the Access Query to see if the desired data appears, can be updated, etc.

    It could also be related to the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields, though this is less likely.  You can test this using your Access Query by filtering on the field(s) listed in LinkChildFields.

    Good luck!


    Bob Monahon

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