No data in sql 2016 data collection snapshots.performance_counters

  • On a SQL 2016 server the Server Activity History report from Data Collections is only returning data for some charts (Wait stats and memory usage). The other charts such as "SQL Server Activity" show "no data available". I have restarted collection sets and cleared the MDW cache, also checked the logs and there are no errors. When running the query below from the server activity history.rdl it returns no data because the [snapshots.performance_counters] view contains no rows:

    SELECT SUBSTRING(pc.path, CHARINDEX(N'\', pc.path, 2)+1, LEN(pc.path) - CHARINDEX(N'\', pc.path, 2)) as series,


    CONVERT (datetime, SWITCHOFFSET (CAST (s.snapshot_time AS datetimeoffset(7)), '+00:00')) AS snapshot_time,

    CONVERT (datetime, SWITCHOFFSET (CAST (pc.collection_time AS datetimeoffset(7)), '+00:00')) AS collection_time,


    FROM snapshots.performance_counters pc

    JOIN core.snapshots s ON (s.snapshot_id = pc.snapshot_id)

    WHERE s.instance_name = <SQL instance>

    AND s.snapshot_time_id BETWEEN @snapshot_start_time_ID AND @snapshot_end_time_ID

    AND (pc.performance_object_name LIKE '%SQL%:General Statistics' OR pc.performance_object_name LIKE '%SQL%:SQL Statistics')

    AND pc.performance_counter_name IN ('Logins/sec', 'Logouts/sec', 'Batch Requests/sec', 'Transactions',

    'User Connections', 'SQL Compilations/sec', 'SQL Re-Compilations/sec')

    Any ideas?




  • Ok - found a Connect item for this - please vote it up:


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