My subscriptions stay in Pending Status for 40 mins then finish - SSRS

  • Hello dears,

    I am using SQL server Reporting Services 2012. And I have many Reports & Subscriptions.

    Usually, most of my subscriptions that send eMail OR writing an Excel File onto FileShares stay in Pending Status for 30-45 mins. Then sends the eMail or writes into an CSV file.

    When i've been investigating the problem. I traced the server by Perfmon.

    One thing seems as an anomaly: Microsoft SQL Reporting Services 2011 Windows Service (MSRS 2011 Windows Service || that sends eMails, triggers subscription) --> Total Rejected Threads increases in every schedule start to run. The number of Total Rejected Threads reachs to very high value along a day.

    I thought, this Counter may give me some hint: and start to analyze Domain Controller, SMTP Server, File Share Protocols (SMB 1.0, SMB 2.0, SMB 3.0), TLS Connections 1.0, Windows Firewall,  whatever?


    Briefly, my problem is why schedules in SSRS delay? Why they are pending?

    Are there any one who faced a problem like this? And Give me some clue, hint or a roadmap?

    Waiting for your responses......


    Best Regards,

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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