multipoint to line geometry

  • Hi,

    Attached, I exported a CSV file from a multipoint record from sql server  database.

    select Shape, Shape.ToString(),id from Table_x

    id is the unique id of the multipoint record

    GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (MULTIPOINT ((45.7500915527344 10.0216674804688 0 128), (45.750244140625 10.0218505859375 0 128), (45.7503967285156 10.0220336914063 0 129), (45.7505493164063 10.0221862792969 0 129), (45.7507019042969 10.0223388671875 0 130), (45.7508544921875 10.0225219726563 0 130), (45.7510070800781 10.0226745605469 0 131) etc etc

    latitude(x),longitude(y),z,m=sorted sequential number

    Don't need the z value as it is 0.

    The points are already sorted by m

    I need to build a line geometry from the multipoint by connecting the individual points m to create line with unique id.

    Does  anybody know the script for that?








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  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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