Multi-part identifier issue

  • Hi all, new to the forums.

    Having a little issue here where I am getting multiple multi-part identifier errors in my query.

    SELECT PosTerminalTable.Location_Description as __entity_group_by__

    , EJTable.Receipt_Number as receipt

    , convert(datetime, EJTable.Receipt_Date_Time,103) as dtime

    , EJTable.Clerk_Number as clerk

    , EJTable.Loc_Reg_Number as __entity_order_by__

    , EJTable.Receipt_Date_Time as __order_by__


    INNER JOIN PosTerminalTable USING (Loc_Reg_number)

    INNER JOIN ClerkTable ON (EJTable.Clerk_number = ClerkTable.Clerk_Number)

    LEFT JOIN EJItemsTable ON (EJTable.Transaction_Number = EJItemsTable.Transaction_Number)

    WHERE EJItemsTable.Transaction_Number IS NULL

    AND EJTable.Receipt_Date_Time >= $dtime_from

    AND EJTable.Receipt_Date_Time <= $dtime_to



    ORDER BY __entity_order_by__ , __order_by__


    If I run a query without the tablename in single statements, they run fine, but obviously does not solve the issue. I might add, this was originally created for MySQL but I am porting to MSSQL.



  • One likely issue is the USING word you've got in the very first join. Also, you can't use variables $x. Instead you should use @x. What are those other two lines just prior to the ORDER BY doing?

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Hi Grant,


    The variables, I should have mentioned, are actually coming via a php script. Before even trying to use the variables I can't even get the first few lines to work

    They are being called from an earlier function in the script.

  • I think that this is the culprit:


    I do not believe that you can just use the Server and Table portions of the 4 part naming, you have to include the Database, as in:

    FROM TASKPOS.MyDatabase..EJTable


  • Good catch. Once I spotted that USING word I couldn't see much else.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Hey guys,


    Actually it seems that you can't use any multi-part for the identifier. I changed the query to:

    SELECT PosTerminalTable.Location_Description as __entity_group_by__

    , EJTable.Receipt_Number as receipt

    , convert(datetime, EJTable.Receipt_Date_Time,103) as dtime

    , EJTable.Clerk_Number as clerk

    , EJTable.Loc_Reg_Number as __entity_order_by__

    , EJTable.Receipt_Date_Time as __order_by__

    FROM TASKPOS...EJTable a

    INNER JOIN PosTerminalTable b

    ON (Loc_Reg_number)

    INNER JOIN ClerkTable c

    ON (a.Clerk_number = c.Clerk_Number)


    Etc, etc.


    Thanks for the help though

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