Moved from Main - CI Sub-Forum?

  • -- Apologies for not posting here first time 🙂 ....


    I've been working on putting together a CI (continuous integration) environment, and had fun trawling through MSBuild books, the msdn forums on DB Pro, and MSBuild etc.

    Would it be worth having a sub-group here to draw together discussion and ideas on (from a SQL perspective)?:-

    - MSBuild

    - Deployment

    - VS Db Pro

    - SQL Unit testing

    - Load / Stress testing etc.

    Basically all the subjects that one needs to cover to setup and manage a CI / automated deployment environment

    Only an idea 🙂

    Thanks for reading.

  • Craig - just wondered whether anything came of this? I was asked recently whether there was a good forum for discussing agile database development topics and I couldn't think of anywhere.

    I wonder if there would be enough interest to warrant a dedicated forum?


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