Missing cmdlet in powershell module sqlserver

  • I have succesfully installed the module sqlserver version 21.1.18235 on my server which hosts an on premise SQL Server 2019 Enterprise with powershell 5.0. When I check the cmdlets in sqlserver through powershell I see that none of the [vulnerability assessment] cmdlets are present. Initially it didn't allow the install of the module unless I specified -AllowClobber making my powershell command as such: Install-Module -Name Sqlserver -Force -AllowClobber

    My goal is to use Invoke-SqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScan in a script against all databases, because using SSMS for this scan per database is tedious and time consuming.

    It is stated that the cmdlet should be available in the module and version that I installed.


    Am I missing something? Is this not intended for on premise SQL Server? Azure only? Any help would be appreciated.

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  • It seems the newest version misses these cmdlets. Older versions have all the necessary cmdlets. If anyone is having trouble with this. I solved it by installing 21.1.18230

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