Missing backup information in backupset

  • Hello Folks,
    We have a SQL Server 2005 box (well, please don't ask why... 🙁 ). Since last week, I have observed that the Maintenance Backup jobs (both log and full), does not log information into the backupset table in msdb. I also tried running the backup command manually, but with same effect.
    Has anyone experienced this before ? 

    Thanks in advance ..

  • Nishith-121814 - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 3:39 PM

    Hello Folks,
    We have a SQL Server 2005 box (well, please don't ask why... 🙁 ). Since last week, I have observed that the Maintenance Backup jobs (both log and full), does not log information into the backupset table in msdb. I also tried running the backup command manually, but with same effect.
    Has anyone experienced this before ? 

    Thanks in advance ..

    Does the backup file exist in the destination that was specified on the backups? Are the backups being logged as successful to the SQL Server error log?


  • Yes, latest backups files are present and backups areb also logged as success. I am also able to read and verify the backup files with current timestamp

  • Nishith-121814 - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 8:26 PM

    Yes, latest backups files are present and backups areb also logged as success. I am also able to read and verify the backup files with current timestamp

    So does the following list the correct server, database names and last backups are all from last month?
    SELECT server_name, database_name, max(backup_finish_date) as LastBackup
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    GROUP BY server_name, database_name


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