MDX Query - How to replace null with 0 in crossjoin

  • Hi guys,

    I need to replace nulls with 0 in a crossjoin result.

    This is my query:



    MEMBER [Measures].[X] AS

    ([Indicador].[Indicador Descrição].&[X],[Measures].[MONTANTE])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Y] AS

    ([Indicador].[Indicador Descrição].&[Y],[Measures].[MONTANTE])


    NON EMPTY {[Measures].[X],[Measures].[Y]} ON COLUMNS,

    NON EMPTY{[Classificador Orgânico].[A].children*

    [Programas e Medidas].[A].children*

    [Classificador Económico Despesa].[A].children*

    [Classificador Económico Despesa]..children*

    [Classificador Económico Despesa].[C].children*

    [Classificador Económico Despesa Rubricas].[A].children*

    [Classificador Económico Despesa Rubricas]..children*

    [Fonte de Financiamento].[A].children} ON ROWS

    FROM [Cube]

    WHERE ([Calendário].[ANO].&[2018],[Calendário].[COD MES].&[04])


    I already try to use coalesceempty in the calculated members but replaces all the nulls before the NonEmptyCrossjoin (the query doesn't even answer).

    The ideal solution is to replace nulls only after the NonEmptyCrossjoin .What is the proper way to achieve that?


    Regards, Cristiana Dias

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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