Management Data Warehouse Job Failure

  • I have a question about an issue that I encountered when I set up a Management Data Warehouse environment a few months ago.

    I set up the database, which I called MgmtDataWhse on a central server, SQL35. I set up collection on that server and it seems to work fine. I set up collection on a different server, SQL30, and pointed it to the database on SQL35. On SQL30, 2 of the 3 collection/upload tasks work fine. The MDW - collection_set_3_upload job fails on the collection_set_3_upload_upload step, with little useful output.

    These are both clustered servers. I've looked at the SSIS packages on SQL35, specifically the QueryActivityUpload package, but wasn't able to determine what the issue might be. For some reason, I can't look at the stored packages on SQL30 in SSMS. Do anyone have any ideas on how to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks.

  • collection_set_3_upload has been failing for quite a few people. It was reported to Microsoft and a fix was supposed to be out last month. I am not sure if that supposed "fix" actually fixes the problem or not. But this is a known issue.


  • does this work on sql 2005? i set up a SQL 2008 R2 test server to practice on and one of the first things i wanted to do was collect data from out 2005 production servers. but it seems you have to set this up on each server and that means you need 2008 R2

  • It only works for SQL Server 2008 servers. I considered trying to figure out the queries that would be required to gather some of the metrics from SQL Server 2005. I think some of it is available in DMOs.

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