Logging in a package

  • I'm trying to log using the log provider for SQL Server, but I don't know where the data are stored. BOL does not say where (or I did not waste enough time looking). Is it a secret? Reading the logs would be a cool thing to do on occasion!



  • from book "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration services" by Kirk Haselden:

    The SQL Server Log Provider adds log entries to the system table called sysdtslog90 and requires an OLEDB connection to an instance of SQL Server and containing the target database name. If the sysdtslog90 table does not exist in the destination database, the SQL Server Log Provider creates it. The default database is MSDB.

    Hope this can help you.



  • Thanks Moreno! I finally stumbled across it after creating a package in my own dev database and seeing a strange new table pop up.

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