Log Shipping 'skipping' all logs and not restoring

  • Jinu43 (2/10/2012)

    I have same issue.

    Where did you forced the restore option or which changes you made on primary server??

    Thanks in advance.. 🙂

    If you're having the same issue experienced in this post it's highly likely that in between the database restore occurring and the jobs starting a log backup has been taken, either by an admin or by another running backup job, and not transferred to the secondary server.

    Once log shipping has been implemented for a database all log backups must be done via the log shipping plan and not via any external jobs\processes.

    Please create a new post in future, it helps you and others 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • What about restores to the primary database? I implemented log shipping on our reporting database, mainly just for testing purposes. This database gets restored nightly from our production backup. I had initialized the secondary database with a backup and set the the logs to only ship once a day after the restore occurs on the primary. I encountered the same problem. The job says it succeeds but it skips all the log files. I confirmed that there are no jobs on the server that would backup the log other than the log shipping job. The log files are fairly large (5 GB). Any guesses?

  • I Have the same problem.

    I made the following test:

    - Created a Log Shipping into a database BILLING

    - Inserted 4 rows in a table BILLING_REP

    - The Log Shipping worked well

    - Deleted the 4 rows from the same table

    - The Log Shipping stops working

    Already redid the job several times and got the same result.

  • Solon (2/21/2012)

    What about restores to the primary database? I implemented log shipping on our reporting database, mainly just for testing purposes. This database gets restored nightly from our production backup. I had initialized the secondary database with a backup and set the the logs to only ship once a day after the restore occurs on the primary. I encountered the same problem. The job says it succeeds but it skips all the log files. I confirmed that there are no jobs on the server that would backup the log other than the log shipping job. The log files are fairly large (5 GB). Any guesses?

    Let me get this right.

    You do a full restore of the reporting database from production nightly.

    You have transaction log backups taken during the day that you want transfered and loaded at night after the restore.

    Am I correct so far?

  • I found two solutions to this problem.

    I am testing log shipping on our test server in SQL 2005. In this test environment, there are no active transactions happening. The log shipping restore job kept skipping the log shipping backups, UNTIL, I created a table in the primary DB...then when I ran the restore job it still skipped the previous backups but it restored the latest backup since there were changes to apply. So when I do this in my production environment, it probably won't be an issue, this is just an issue in the quiet testing environment. Makes sense, SQL doesn't need to restore a log backup initially until something changes.

    One other work around is you can update log_shipping_monitor_secondary to a known good backup and after doing that the restore job started applying the backups:

    UPDATE [msdb].[dbo].[log_shipping_monitor_secondary]

    SET [last_restored_file] = 'X:\SomeLogshippingFolder\LogshippedDB_20130308222505.trn'

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