Log shipping failure alerts not being emailed

  • Anyone know why when I remove my log shipping server from the network, for testing, I don't receive any email alert notifications about the failure?

    Detailed information about my setup:

    Monitor server should trigger an alert after 60 minutes as specified in field: log_shipping_monitor_primary.backup_threshold.

    I have configured database mail and sent a successful test email.

    The sql agent email configuration is linked properly to my database mail profile.

    The alert job and alerts themselves were automatically created by the log shipping wizard from the primary server.

    I notice the alert 'occurrences' property increase during my testing, but no email is sent out.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  • Was the SQL Agent restarted after the db mail profile was enabled for it? If not, you should see something like "An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established" in the SQL Agent error log. If the message is there and db mail is enabled for SQL Agent, a restart of SQL Agent should resolve the issue.

  • You could check msdb.dbo.sysmail_allitems to see if an email was generated, and if it failed or not.

  • @SSCommitted

    That was it. Thank You!

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