Join order and unpredictable reults

  • I am a little confused about this

    when I run the following query

    select T.matter_uno , M.CLNT_MATT_CODE,T.BALANCE as bal,T.ACCT_TYPE

    from TRM_TRUST T

    inner join HBM_MATTER M on t.MATTER_UNO = m.MATTER_UNO

    where T.MATTER_UNO= 189270

    union all


    from HBM_MATTER M

    inner join TRM_TRUST T on M.MATTER_UNO = T.TRUST_UNO

    where M.MATTER_UNO = 189270--(M.CLNT_MATT_CODE = '300811.00005') --or( M.CLNT_MATT_CODE = '300811.00746' or M.CLNT_MATT_CODE = '300811.00550')


    union all

    select T.MATTER_UNO ,'matter_id',T.BALANCE,T.ACCT_TYPE

    from TRM_TRUST T

    where T.MATTER_UNO = 189270

    I get the following result

    matter_uno CLNT_MATT_CODE bal ACCT_TYPE


    189270 300811.00005 8.2300 A

    189270 300811.00005 0.0000 A

    189270 matter_id 8.2300 A

    there is a 1 to 1 relationship between the two tables and there is a balance of 8.23 in the trust table so why does it come back as zero when I join trust table to matter table and 8.23 when I join matter table to trust table

    I've attached XML queryplan

  • What do you get from ..

    select balance from TRM_TRUST where MATTER_UNO= 189270

    select balance from HBM_MATTER where MATTER_UNO= 189270

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • balance isn't in the Matter table, but as there is one trust for table for the matter table joined on the matter_uno field, the result should be the same every time ?

  • My bad.

    On the face of it i cant see any reason.

    What app was the queryplan from ?

    Can you send a standard one from SSMS ?

    Oh and full DDL for the tables pleas

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Apex SQL edit , but here is one from SSMS

    and the ddl

  • proof reading is everything

    if you dont match keys you get odd results

    I only spoted it after going and doing something else for half an hour and then returning to it.

    Problem I have now is that the vendor supplied application appears to be using the wrong key match as well

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