Issues/fixes I would like to see

    1.  You can’t link your account to multiple emails.  An issue I brought up many times.  I don’t want to associate this site with my work email, just in case something happens to my job.  And I don’t want to be checking my home email while at work.
    2. No calendar with links to the daily newsletters.  See above, I don’t have this site sending me the newsletters.  This is helpful when I’ve been out of the office for a few days, makes it easier to get caught up.
    3. No preview when replying to a post.
    4. The view of the ‘topics started’, appears to be missing the ones I started that I got no response to.  Not a huge deal at this time for the old ones since I’ve since found other answers.  I really liked seeing the persons ‘picture’ instead of just a name.
    5. The view of the ‘topics started’, I have one topic that says the last post was 2 weeks and 4 days ago.  When I go into it the last post was in October 2018.
    6. The view of the ‘topics started’, what I would like to see is this view look more like it did in the old site.
    7. The ‘replies created view,  I don’t see the benefit of showing me the actual last post I did.  Adds a lot of visual clutter to me.
    8. The ‘replies created view,  I would like to see this changed to more look like how the ‘topics started’ view used to look like.
    9. Under ‘Forums’ ‘Latest Topics’  the list does not appear to be order by most recent post, this was a nice feature of the old view like this.  And again showing the picture/icon of the person made this more visually appealing, IMHO.
    10. Reviewing old posts, the SQL code that was embedded stood out and was better formatted.
    11. And not that it really meant a lot, but I liked seeing how many visits I had to this site.  Even though I think the number was completely wrong.  I think at one time I noticed it was going up 3 for every visit.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • I'll add one, please add the forum a post is in back to the most active threads page, it's really helpful.  I know you're going for a more mobile centric design but surely there's enough room for that.

  • Latest Topics is latest topic, not latest replies (what I have posted here is a reply, not a topic). That actually makes sense. For the most recently active topics (aka most recent replies/topics) you want Active Threads (which has been recently renamed).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for the list. A few notes.

    1. We've never had this, as it's a level of complexity that hits quite a few places. Some people use work email for logging in and notifications, personal one for newsletters or vice versa. No good solution here, but it's complex.
    2. - working on getting this linked somewhere and formatted better, but low priority.
    3. This is missing and I agree. A bug is filed for this.
    4. Need a repro. This appears to be working.
    5. Repro/link? We found some bugs in how the date was calculated in bbpress. They were using strings and trying to do some math, but strangely. We've submitted fixed and made some ourselves, but likely there is something still broken.
    6. What does this mean?
    7. Again, not sure what you mean. I get that you don't like the format, and it's not consistent with topics started, but I'm not sure what you're reporting or asking.
    8. Considering this. We need some consistency, but I also see the value in seeing what you posted.
    9. Thom posted here. Latest topics is by topic date, the original post. Active threads is what was on the old site to see by last post. Tool tips on these items explain better, or at least more, what they mean
    10. Formatting being worked on
    11. That was a neat metric. I'll ask to track this again.
    1. I know you never had it, it's been something I've asked for over the last several years.  And it is an issue to me.  As others ask us in IT all the time  "How hard could it be?"    I created a topic in June of 2017 about this, and I referenced in it a post I had made 8 months prior to that.

    4.I still don't see mine.  And I don't see the picture/icon of the person.

    6.  Do you not know what it used to look like?  Or is there a version you still have up somewhere?  It would be something like what it is now, just slimmed down version, with the picture/icon.  I know I started it if I'm in this view, no need to have a column showing me that.

    For 7 and 8, make this view look and act the same as 'topics started'(once that is fixed).  I also referenced this in the post

    If you are making changes how about changing the view of your ‘Replies’, so it has a ‘Date of Last Change’.

    I brought this up in this thread:

    9. I see that now, just wasn't thinking clearly I guess.

    And I think this was mentioned in another area, but I liked being able to see who 'Liked' a post.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • ZZartin wrote:

    I'll add one, please add the forum a post is in back to the most active threads page, it's really helpful.  I know you're going for a more mobile centric design but surely there's enough room for that.

    I second this...

  • below86 wrote:

    1.  You can’t link your account to multiple emails.  An issue I brought up many times.  I don’t want to associate this site with my work email, just in case something happens to my job.  And I don’t want to be checking my home email while at work.

    The way I handled this was to use my personal email and set up a forwarding filter for all mail from to my work email. That way, should I change jobs, I can just change the forward to my new work email. But yeah, it would be nice to have this in SSC.

  • below86 wrote:

    4.I still don't see mine.  And I don't see the picture/icon of the person.

    Do you mean this page? I got there by clicking your username in the left, above your avatar, and then going to the topics started page (shown on the left).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Following up

    1: not as easy as you'd guess, and knowing where we send emails is not simple. We could do a 2nd email as a "recovery email", which might be the simplest thing. Anything that tries to split to two logins, notifications directed elsewhere, etc., is significant work.

    4. I'm not sure what you mean here still. Without a picture, I can't tell what you see, but more importantly, what you expect to see. Topics started are by you, so your picture icon. If you mean the picture of the person making the reply, not sure we want that added.

    6. I have a copy of the old site up to view, but what I'm asking is what you want to see. It's not going to be the same. We're not theming things the same, so what are you looking for in terms of data? What's missing?

    6,7,8 working on getting the styling consistent here. Apparently each developer that touched something thinks this was supposed to look different. Crazy, but it's also one of those things I rarely look at and didn't test closely.


  • Thom A wrote:

    below86 wrote:

    4.I still don't see mine.  And I don't see the picture/icon of the person.

    Do you mean this page? I got there by clicking your username in the left, above your avatar, and then going to the topics started page (shown on the left).

    I see that Page, my original comment was about not seeing post I started that never had a reply.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    Following up 1: not as easy as you'd guess, and knowing where we send emails is not simple. We could do a 2nd email as a "recovery email", which might be the simplest thing. Anything that tries to split to two logins, notifications directed elsewhere, etc., is significant work. 4. I'm not sure what you mean here still. Without a picture, I can't tell what you see, but more importantly, what you expect to see. Topics started are by you, so your picture icon. If you mean the picture of the person making the reply, not sure we want that added. 6. I have a copy of the old site up to view, but what I'm asking is what you want to see. It's not going to be the same. We're not theming things the same, so what are you looking for in terms of data? What's missing? 6,7,8 working on getting the styling consistent here. Apparently each developer that touched something thinks this was supposed to look different. Crazy, but it's also one of those things I rarely look at and didn't test closely.  

    For 4 it was about not seeing some post I started with no replies.  I added the icon thing as an after thought.

    If you can look at the old design, I would say go under your profile(or mine) and look at the view that shows posts you have started.  This view was very simple and IMHO easy to read, no extra clutter.  This view is what I would like to see, or something close for the 'topics started' and 'replies' views here on the new site.  What was nice is that it was sorted by last reply, this makes it supper easy to tell which post have had activity and that I should review.

    I think having one email account marked as 'primary' and the other as a 'back up' would work.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Tom Uellner wrote:

    below86 wrote:

    1.  You can’t link your account to multiple emails.  An issue I brought up many times.  I don’t want to associate this site with my work email, just in case something happens to my job.  And I don’t want to be checking my home email while at work.

    The way I handled this was to use my personal email and set up a forwarding filter for all mail from to my work email. That way, should I change jobs, I can just change the forward to my new work email. But yeah, it would be nice to have this in SSC.

    I may have to resort to this.  Thanks for posting, I don't know why I hadn't thought about that.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Tried to go out to the Random word topic, got this screen, the two underlined take me to the same place, back to this same screen.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • I see now that the above now says 'In' for that link.  That kind of makes sense now why it is doing that.

    But now I will ask 'How do you get to the last post in that thread?"

    From what I see you have to click on the thread name, then go to the last 'page' of replies.

    Can this be fixed/changed so it is easier to get to the latest post?

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • below86 wrote:

    I see now that the above now says 'In' for that link.  That kind of makes sense now why it is doing that. But now I will ask 'How do you get to the last post in that thread?" From what I see you have to click on the thread name, then go to the last 'page' of replies. Can this be fixed/changed so it is easier to get to the latest post?


    Click on the time that is displayed for that last post and it takes you to that specific post.



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