Issue while connecting remote SQL server through upgrade advisor

  • Hi,

    While connecting remote SQL server through upgrade advisor I am getting the below errors:

    Error: Unable to connect to server. Reason: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

    Pls let me know if anyone has faced this issue and know how to fix.

    Thanks in advance

  • can you connect to it logged on locally?

    check that sql server is running on the server you're trying to connect with (of course)

    check the protocol you're connecting with (click the Options button on the Connect to Server dialog) to make sure you're using a protocol the server is supporting

    if you can connect to the server locally with Management Studio, right click on the server name, click Properties, click the Connections page and check "Allow remote connections to this server"

  • Check if you have enabled remote connections. By the way are you trying to do an edition upgrade. Let me know the reason why u are using an upgrade advisor against a 2005 server.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Thanks a lot for the quick reply Matrin & Sugesh.

    Martin, I am able to connect the SQL instance using "management studio" but only after giving the port number like server\instance,1433. Without port number it's not able to connect not sure why.  Also "Allow remote connections to this server" option is selected on the server which I am trying to connect.  And the issue here is upgrade advisor dont accept the port number along with instance name and hence not able to connect.

    Sugesh, I am not trying to connect SQL server 2005 box but it gives the error like that only.  I am trying to run against the SQL server 2000 instance only.



  • I have the same problem. Connecting to a remote server that has multiple instances. When I pick the instance I want to connect, I get the same error.

    Looks like. The management studio is able to connect to all the instances.

    On the upgrade advisor, there is no place where I can put in the serverIP and port number.

    All my instances are up and running ...

    Would like to know how others handled this.

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