integrity checks in maintenance plans

  • Hi,

    I'm wondering what happens if a dbcc check fails in the integrity check of a maintenance plan.  Will the job show failed or do I have to look at an error log.  I don't have a corrupted database lying about, or I'd test it myself .



  • I believe Job will fail...

    and don't configure to repair it because sometimes your db may with single user mode.

    You can corrupt the table in a db manually and test it.

    You can corrupt table by updating the sysindexes table for test...

    I think following update can corrupt table...use at your own risk and MS don't recommend to update system tables...

    update i

    set FirstIAM = '000000'

    FROM sysindexes where id = Object_id('<Table you want to corrupt>')

    Note: This just for testing don't try on prodcution server...

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • The job should show failure, and you should have a notification set up to let you know. Check the logs for teh maintenance plan, not the job history for the details and then you can decide what to do.

    If you get corruption, you really should consider calling MS for support help in recovering your data.

  • I will prefer running the integrity checks separately using WITH TABLERESULTS.. insert into a table and You can check programatically and send email notification...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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