Installing June CTP

  • I have downloaded and successfully installed the June CTP, Native Client and Express Manager on a stand-alone XP (Home) machine.  I can see SQLServer and SQLBrowser running under NETWORK SERVICE in Task Manager and Configuration Manager but cannot connect.  Either through Express Manager or the DataLink dialog the instance simply is not recognised.  Any pointers would be appreciated.

  • Where are you connection from, and how are you specifying the name of the server?

    If connection from a different machine than where the server is installed, then you'll need to enable remote connections. By default, SQL Express only allows connections from the local machine, and SQL 2005 may also do that as well.

    Secondly, if you've installed the server as an instance, you need to specify the machine name and the instance name (e.g. COMPUTER/SQLExpress).

  • In Management Studio you should be able to see your instance in the Registered Servers tab (View->Registered Servers).

    If not, right click on the Database Engine row tree and choose Update Local Server Registration. It should appear then.

    Julian Kuiters

  • Julian, thanks but no success.  SQL Server Express Manager comes up with a modal connection dialog which won't recognise any combination of computer and server names.  The Cancel button kills Express Manager, so I can't get to the View menu!

    I posted another reply which doesn't appear to have arrived!  In essence, I can see the running instance in Configuration Manager and Surface Area Configuration (Local access only) but can't connect to it however I try.  I am running on an isolated PC - no network involved.

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