Insert if not exist

  • Hello. I have original table source and my working file select from another table. For example below in original table has value One and Two. How can I insert as zero amount if not exist in my working table?


    Expected result as below:


  • "How can I insert as zero amount if not exist in my working table?"

    It seems maybe you're looking to LEFT JOIN the two tables together.   Obviously, you cannot assign attributes to a row which doesn't exist.  To identify that the row does "not exist" you could use LEFT JOIN and decode the NULL value (for column 'amount' in table '#working') using ISNULL.

    drop table if exists #orig;
    create table #orig(
    ColumnA varchar(10) not null);

    insert #orig(ColumnA) values

    drop table if exists #working;
    create table #working(
    ColumnA varchar(10) not null,
    amount int not null); /* why float? float is nondeterministic */
    /* only use float if it's strictly */
    /* necessary to store arbitrary precesion */
    /* (which doesn't happen very often) */

    insert #working(ColumnA, amount) values
    ('One', 100);

    select o.ColumnA, isnull(w.amount, 0) as amount
    from #orig o
    left join #working w on o.ColumnA=w.ColumnA;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Thanks. Understand the concept now when to use Left Join and Not Exist.

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