Incorrect Syntax near )

  • Hi

    On below code i get above error

    select T0.DocEntry,T0.DocDate,T0.CardCode


    ,Coalesce((Case When T4.Street = '' Then Null Else T4.Street + ' ' End) + ',' + CHAR(10) + ',' +

    (Case When T4.Block = '' Then Null Else T4.Block + ' ' End) + ',' + CHAR(10) + ',' +

    (Case When T4.ZipCode = '' Then Null Else T4.ZipCode + ' ' End) + ',' + CHAR(10) + ',' +

    (Case When T4.City = '' Then Null Else T4.City + ' ' End) + ',' + CHAR(10) + ',' +

    (Case When T4.Country = '' Then Null Else T4.Country + ' ' End) + ',' + CHAR(10) + ',' +

    (Case When T4.State = '' Then Null Else T4.State End))





    inner join POR1 T1 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry

    inner join OCRD T2 on T2.CardCode = T0.CardCode

    inner join OITM T3 on T1.ItemCode = T3.ItemCode

    LEFT OUTER JOIN CRD1 T4 ON T4.CardCode= T0.CardCode


  • You have used COALESCE function but haven't supplied multiple arguments. I can see only one argument to your COALESCE function and that may be causing the error.

    Either remove COALESCE function or supply other arguments to it and then retry.

    Read more about COALESCE here.

  • You also have two commas in a row:



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