Incepto's SQLUP1.2?

  • Has anyone used this product?

    I believe it will allow two servers to service SELECT queries simultaneously, but only one to allow an UPDATE at any time? This sounds very useful, but almost too useful?




  • I am also wondering if anyone has used this. From reading about it on the Incepto website, it sounds great. Of course they are trying to sell it so who knows.

  • We'll be reviewing it on this website in the next few weeks. I'm curious myself :). Especially considering at how many thousands of dollars we spent on Enterprise Edition of SQL Server.

    Brian Knight

  • Yes, Brian when are we going to see your review? Downloading the demo is not trivial, so your review is eagerly awaited.



  • I downloaded a demo a while back, but after talking to the developer of it (who are actually in Israel) they recommended going with MSCS and SQL Enterprise.

    They license their product by database. I have several hundred databases. They charge $10000 for one replicated database across 2 servers and even more for more databases.

    Their promotional material and product description looked like exactly what I wanted, but I ended up being a little disappointed on their pricing and the fact that it is really designed to support only a small set of databases.

    May work for someone that has 1-2 databases. Otherwise it's actually cheaper to go with Win2000 Adv Server and SQL Enterprise.

  • Ah, I never got as far as asking about pricing...

    That is rather a lot for something so proprietary. Did the developer say anything about service level agreements and guaranteeing support in the future when service packs etc. are released? I'm also interested to know if they recommend purchasing additional connectivity hardware such as Gigabit network adapters?

    Brian, are you going to review this ever?


  • I emailed them and am waiting for some more technical documentation, but it uses replication. I suspect instant transactional replication to work. With scripts for the failover.

    Steve Jones

  • Oooh, that pricing model isnt fun. I have a couple hundred db's as well. Might be fun to test it to see if it really could fail them all over.


  • I didn't get much more info.

    I had trouble getting a demo password initially....which started me off on a bad foot.

    I didn't ask about support. I believe they gave you 60-days of support for install and config issues and after that it would be on some sort of contract....but don't quote me on that.

    If you dial through to their number you can kind of hear it being rerouted and then it sounds like a foreign phone ring. Maybe they have a US PO BOX but no one is really is the US. Another strike for me. Not that there's anything wrong with foreign justs makes you wonder how good the support is going to be if all the personnel is 5000 miles away.

    As pleasing as it would be to send less of my $$ to Microsoft, it just didn't seem worth it. There marketing angle was that it was a lot less than going the microsoft route.

    When I gave the guy a break down of what it would cost me to have the external disk array and copies of advanced server and SQL enterprise that his software doesn't need, he questioned my numbers. I think they based their "it will save you a lot" marketing line on full retail prices of advanced server ($3000) and sql enterprise 1-processor ($20000) and not the wholesale or street prices that you can get them for ($1100 and $5500, respectively).

    When I asked about an unlimited database license, he basically said you're better off talking to microsoft.

    I'll see if I can dig up his email if anyone is interested.

    It looked like it was the answer to all my prayers...but I had to send my money to microsoft anyway

  • Sounds like something that should be co-developed with a US partner, regardless of how good they really are.

    This might be who you spoke to :

    Eyal Aharon []


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