Import multiple excel worksheets with LinkedServer

  • I have multiple worksheets all formatted the same in one excel workbook. Is there a way to query, and select and import records from more than one sheet with one command? I can use linked server or openquery to import data currently, but can only do one sheet at a time.

    my basic code for importing records from one excel worksheet:

    insert into dbo.welltest1

    select * from ODBTEST...COY2$

    where measure_date between 01/01/95 and 12/31/95

    My excel workbook has many sheets of this same format - I would like to batch import them. Any ideas? Thanks

    - Charlie D

  • I stumbled over your post, and wonder if you have found a solution yet?

    My hunch would be to use a SSIS package, containing of a script that gets the names of all worksheets in the workbook (this would mean installing Excel, or the Excel PIA on your server), and then use a loop container with a dataflow to get the data to your table.

    (For Excel 2007, it might also be considered to try to read/load the actual xml from the xlsx-file)

    I'm very interested to hear what you came up with though.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

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