Import a zip file from a HTTP page

  • I am trying to build a SSIS package that will check out a http url for a zip file, this file should be then downloaded and then transferred to a table.

    I have done similar processes using FTP and the FTP task, but i am struggling a bit on how i would use a HTTP page download as a data source, I am assuming that it may require some custom scripts.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to download a file from a http site via SSIS ?

  • You could use a Script Task to do this. The classes in the System.Net namespace is what you will need. WebClient or even HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes. Just Google around for lots of sample code.

  • steveb (1/21/2009)

    I am trying to build a SSIS package that will check out a http url for a zip file, this file should be then downloaded and then transferred to a table.

    I have done similar processes using FTP and the FTP task, but i am struggling a bit on how i would use a HTTP page download as a data source, I am assuming that it may require some custom scripts.

    Does anyone have any advice on how to download a file from a http site via SSIS ?

    Check this script for ideas.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

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