How To Securely Store Gmail Acct. Password in SSIS Variable?

  • Working on a project for a client.

    There is functionality all throughout the parent package that will email users based on various events occurring.

    I've setup a Gmail account for the client that will be used specifically used for sending these emails through.

    I have a variable in SSIS named "vGmailSendingAcct" that has the email address of the Gmail acct.

    I have another variable in SSIS named "vGmailSendingAcctPassword" that contains the password needed to enable sending of emails through the email acct. listed in the "vGmailSendingAcct" variable. I obviously don't want to put "TheActualPassword" as a string in the "vGmailSendingAcct" variable, which will actually be found in an XML Configuration File on the production machine in case someone is able to open that in a text editor.

    What options do I have for placing an encrypted version of the Gmail acct. password in that variable and having a decryption function run in SSIS to change the password (for example) from "a$g0$b@" to "TheActualPassword"?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  • Where do you use the password variable? Inside a standard connection manager or in your script ?

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