How to know calling stored proc name

  • Gurus,

    My problem is I am trying to find out name of stored procedure which updates a given table. The problem is there are several stored proc called by VB application updates the same table/Column and I want to capture the name of sp and not the generic name of program/username via trigger.

  • Take a look at the Meta Data functions.

    @@PROCID returns the ID of the current procedure, OBJECT_NAME() returns the name of the database object. Used together OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) gives you the name of the currently executing stored procedure.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • From My suggestion you will have to modify a little the stored procedures as:

    ALTER PROCEDURE Proc1 (@var1 ....

    DECLARE @TrackValue varbinary(128)

    SET @TrackValue = CAST( @@PROCID as binary(4) )

    SET CONTEXT_INFO @TrackValue

    -- Your Proc Code




    SET CONTEXT_INFO 0x0 --Clear at the end of the Proc

    Then you can Write the trigger as:

    CREATE TRIGGER AuditTrigger

    ON TableName




    DECLARE @ProcName varchar(128)


    ( p.context_info, 1, 4 ) )

    FROM master..sysprocesses as p

    WHERE p.spid = @@SPID

    PRINT @ProcName

    -- Or Insert On Audit Table

    -- Ps The Value on the parameters are on the inserted table



    * Noel

  • Thanks, all of you for your input, but I found solution yesterday itself my self, to share what i did is in the trigger I used dbcc inputbuffer(@@spid) using dynamic sql, since you can not do insert into table with dbcc... so created a table and brought the output in that table from trigger and it worked.

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