How to get Part Id that have part level 0 and not have map from ?

  • How to get Part Id that have part level 0 and not have map from ?

    I work on SQL server 2012 I face issue I can't get Parts that have map to

    and not have map from for part level 0

    so Firstly I get parts that have part level 0

    then secondly

    if part have code type to 1273200 then it must have code type from 974451

    if part have code type to 194480 then it must have code type from 7320911

    so I need to display

    parts that have code type 1273200

    for part level 0 and not have map from 974451


    parts that have code type 194480

    for part level 0 and not have map from 7320911

    sample code

    create table #codes
    PartId int,
    CodeTypeId int,
    Partlevel int
    insert into #codes(PartId,CodeTypeId,Partlevel)
    ---this is correct----
    (1250,974451,0), ---map from
    (1250,1273200,0), ---map to
    (1250,7320911,0), ---map from
    (1250,194480,0), --map to
    --where map from 974451 for part id 1900 for partlevel 0
    (1900,1273200,0),---map to
    (1900,7320911,0),---map from
    (1900,194480,0),--map to
    (2200,974451,0),---map from
    (2200,1273200,0),---map to
    --where map from 7320911 for part id 2200 for partlevel 0
    (2200,194480,0),--map to
    (3400,974451,1), --where map from 974451 for part id 3400 for partlevel 0 so if 1 it is wrong
    (3400,1273200,0), ---map to
    (3400,7320911,0), ---map from
    (3400,194480,0), --map to
    --where map from 974451 for part id 3900 for partlevel 0 so if 1 then it is not exist
    (3900,1273200,0), ---map to
    (3900,7320911,0), ---map from
    (3900,194480,0), --map to

    (5020,7320911,1), --where map from 7320911 for part id 5020 for partlevel 0 if 1 then it is not exist
    (5020,194480,0), --map to


    ---map from 974451 not exist for part id 7050 but not care because I need only parts have partlevel 0
    (7050,1273200,1), ---map to
    (7050,7320911,1), ---map from
    (7050,194480,1), --map to
    ---map from 7320911 not exist for part id 8900 for partlevel 0 if part level 1 then not exist
    (8900,7320911,1), ---map from
    (8900,194480,0), --map to

    ---map from 7320911 not exist for part id 9200 for partlevel 0
    (9200,194480,0) --map to

    Expected result

    PartId CodeTypeId Partlevel
    1900 1273200 0
    2200 194480 0
    3400 1273200 0
    3900 1273200 0
    5020 194480 0
    8900 194480 0
    9200 194480 0


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • These 2 queries produce the output you're looking for.  It should be said this is not a properly normalized data model.  There seemingly are "non-modelled" relationship(s) in the data which mean it's not safe to combine the 2 queries into 1 imo.  To generalize the query would require normalizing the data which is exactly what should happen (or already have happened) anyway.  The reason convoluted SQL is necessary is because the data model is insufficient.  How do you determine which PartId's are 'map to' and which are 'map from'?  Maybe there's a lower level of detail than what's being included in the #codes table?

    select c.* 
    from #codes c
    where CodeTypeId=1273200
    and Partlevel=0
    and not exists(select 1
    from #codes cc
    where c.PartId=cc.PartId
    and cc.CodeTypeId=974451
    and cc.Partlevel<>1)
    union all
    select c.*
    from #codes c
    where CodeTypeId=194480
    and Partlevel=0
    and not exists(select 1
    from #codes cc
    where c.PartId=cc.PartId
    and cc.CodeTypeId=7320911
    and cc.Partlevel<>1)
    order by PartId;


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