How do create a t-sql script that will auto increase my current SQL Server database size to 50%.

  • Questions:

    How do create a t-sql script that will auto increase my current SQL Server database size to 50%.

    For instance, the current database COSTDB 100 GB and I wanted to auto increase 50% every five month.

    My first script will return me the current database size:

    SELECT DB_NAME (Database_id) AS Database_name,

    Name as logical_name, Physical_name, (size*8)/1024 SizeDB

    FROM sys.master_files

    where DB_Name (database_id) = 'COSTDB'


    My second scripts should increase the current database size. However, i stuck in here.

    ALTER Database COSTDB



    Can someone helps please and very appreciated.

    Thank you.


  • Hi, first question, why do you want to do that?

    I dont see why you are stuck in there, have you tried something like


    @sql nvarchar(500)

    set @sql=N'alter database......'+newsize+' mb)'

    execute sp_executesql @sql

  • Personally, when I create the database. I will allocated enough space to grow for minimum 3 to 5 years.

    However, this database applications already existed and it was the MSFT healthcheck recommendation.

    Can you provide the complete scripts?

    I am going to setup SQL Agent job to run this script on Demand.

    Much appreciated your help.

    Thank you.


  • Sure

    this should work


    @Newsize int,

    @sql nvarchar(500),

    @filename nvarchar(100)

    SELECT @Newsize=((size*8)/1024)*1.5,@filename=name

    FROM sys.master_files

    where DB_Name (database_id) = 'COSTDB'

    and type=0

    set @sql=N'ALTER Database COSTDB

    MODIFY FILE (name=''' +@filename+''', SIZE = '+cast(@newsize as nvarchar(10))+' mb)'

    execute sp_executesql @sql

  • Thank you and very appreciated.

  • You can also set the database's autogrow property. Right click on the database, click properties, select files and click on the ellipsis for the data file in the Autogrowth column. Setting autogrow at 50% of the size is probably not a great idea though but you can set to something more sane and then not have to worry about running script.

  • yes the autogrowth will be my choice too, you can just set it to grow to something that is not a percentage ( I found that like a bad idea )

  • The best practice should create the database and allocate database size based on proper planning and estimate grow for minimum 3 years.

    I won't let the application create the database.

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