Getting results from two table and do calculations

  • I have two tables named order and order_line...orderline is related to order by orderid.Calculates the sum of durations from orderline table and add it with the time column in order table as end time and check whether the end time exeeds the current time,if exeeds return the order rows

  • amalbaby - Wednesday, February 27, 2019 10:54 PM

    I have two tables named order and order_line...orderline is related to order by orderid.Calculates the sum of durations from orderline table and add it with the time column in order table as end time and check whether the end time exeeds the current time,if exeeds return the order rows

    Kindly provide test data with create and insert statement. Also what you tried so far?


  • table datas

    Order table

    Order line

    I want to find the sum of duration column and add it with appoint_time for each order

  • amalbaby - Wednesday, February 27, 2019 11:55 PM

    table datas

    Order table

    Order line

    I want to find the sum of duration column and add it with appoint_time for each order

    A picture really does not help you need to post DDL and DML, and your expected results.


  • I've never actually used the Time datatype before, which is what it looks like you are using for OrderLine.duration. Based on my testing, it seems like the following should work for what you need. Note it is limited to minutes, it doesn't process fractions of a minute. 

    SELECT AS OrderID,
        O.appointment_date AS ApptDate,
        SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', OL.duration)) AS SumDuration,
        CAST(SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', OL.duration)) AS DATETIME) + CAST(O.appointment_date AS DATETIME) AS FinalDateTime,
        GETDATE() AS CurrentDateTime
    FROM [Order] AS O
    INNER JOIN [OrderLine] AS OL ON = OL.order_id
        CAST(SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', OL.duration)) AS DATETIME) + CAST(O.appointment_date AS DATETIME) > GETDATE()

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