Getting combined data from two databases

  • I've two databases that contain data I'dd like to combine.

    In Query 1 I've select information about contracts from database1 (Contract).


    srelatie.naamas Relatie,

    srelatie.debiteurnummer as Debnr,

    ckop.contractnummeras Contractnummer,

    ssoort.omschrijving as Omschrijving,

    DATEADD(day, ckop.ingangsdatum, CONVERT(DATETIME, '1800-12-28 00:00:00', 102)) as Ingangsdatum,

    ckop.looptijdas Looptijd,

    DATEADD(day, ckop.vervaldatum, CONVERT(DATETIME, '1800-12-28 00:00:00', 102)) as Vervaldatum,

    cvrijval.jaarbedragas Bedrag,

    cvrijval.maandas Vrijval_Maand,

    cvrijval.jaaras Vrijval_Jaar


    ckopwith (nolock)

    inner join srelatie with (nolock) on ckop.idsrelatie=srelatie.idsrelatie

    inner join cvrijval with (nolock) on ckop.idckop=cvrijval.idckop

    inner join ssoortwith (nolock) on ckop.idssoort=ssoort.idssoort



    and ckop.actief='1'

    and year(DATEADD(day, ckop.vervaldatum, CONVERT(DATETIME, '1800-12-28 00:00:00', 102))) <= year(getdate())
    and cvrijval.jaar=year(getdate())
    and cvrijval.maand=month(getdate())
    group by
    srelatie.naam, srelatie.debiteurnummer, ckop.contractnummer, ssoort.omschrijving, ckop.ingangsdatum, ckop.looptijd, ckop.vervaldatum,cvrijval.jaarbedrag, cvrijval.maandbedrag, cvrijval.maand, cvrijval.jaar
    order by
    Vervaldatum, Relatie desc, Bedrag, Contractnummer

    This information should be combined with the corresponding Reseller and Accountmanager, found in database 2 (TOPdesk)

    vestiging.naamas Klantnaam,
    vestiging.debiteurennummer as Debnr,
    actiedoor.ref_aanhefinformeel as Accountmanager,
    vrijeopzoekvelden.naamas Reseller
    vestigingwith (nolock)
    left join vestigingaccountmanagerwith (nolock) on vestiging.unid=vestigingaccountmanager.vestigingidleft join actiedoor on vestigingaccountmanager.accountmanagerid=actiedoor.unid
    left join vrijeopzoekveldenwith (nolock) on vestiging.vrijeopzoek2=vrijeopzoekvelden.unid

    The unique field in both databases is "Debnr", so I think it should be possible.
    Can someone help me?

  • you'll need to create a linked server on one of the databases (where you want the query running) to the other one

    So if the linked server was created on CONTRACT and pointed to TOPDesk2 then data can be combined from both:

    Select *

    from contract.table1

    inner join TOPDesk2.[DatabaseName].dbo.table2

    on [join clauses]

  • Ok... I've created the linked server.

    But when I've query both of my databases, I get the error:

    The multi-part identifier "[am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging.debiteurennummer" could not be bound.


    select *



    inner join [am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging

    on srelatie.debiteurnummer=[am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging.debiteurennummer

    I've tried several options, but no luck.

  • htilburgs (5/13/2009)

    Ok... I've created the linked server.

    But when I've query both of my databases, I get the error:

    The multi-part identifier "[am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging.debiteurennummer" could not be bound.

    you need to alias it

    select *



    inner join [am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging AliasTableName

    on srelatie.debiteurnummer= AliasTableName.debiteurennummer

    you can replace AliasTableName with any name you like

  • When I use Alias, I've get the next error:

    Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AI_KS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

    I've checked the collation of the both Tables, but both are SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    select srelatie.naam,srelatie.adres



    inner join [am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging TDName

    on srelatie.debiteurnummer=TDName.debiteurennummer

  • i'm not sure about why its getting that collation.

    You can specify the collation of a column though

    select MyColumn collate [collation name] as MyColumnAlias

    from MyTable

    The same thing works in joins

    from TableA A

    inner Join TableB B

    on A.col1 collate [collation name] = B.col2 collate [collation name]

    replace [collation name] with your collation name


    When I use the next code, it works! Thanks!

    select srelatie.naam,srelatie.adres



    inner join [am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging TDName

    on srelatie.debiteurnummer COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT =TDName.debiteurennummer COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT

    The collation of the Column "debiteurennummer" is not the same as the database.


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