Functions as predicates and SARGable queries

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    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    MVP - Data Platform (2013 - ...)
    my blog: (german only!)

  • Hi,

    So if we make Code Nullable should not the query become non-sargeable, thereby meaning it does not use the Index ix_CCode, but making the column as Null still uses the index. Why is this so?


  • rishi-445055 (8/25/2014)


    So if we make Code Nullable should not the query become non-sargeable, thereby meaning it does not use the Index ix_CCode, but making the column as Null still uses the index. Why is this so?


    Hallo Rishi,

    hopefully I understand your question correct. If the attribute [CCode] will be a NULLable one the SARGabe query will turn into a NONSARGable query because ISNULL has to pass every single row to check whether [CCode] IS NULL or IS NOT NULL. It is like

    [font="Courier New"]CASE WHEN [CCode] IS NULL

    .....THEN 1

    .....ELSE 0

    END = 1[/font]

    Whatever decision is made by the Query Optimizer - it will always use the index [ix_CCode] because this index will produce less IO than the clustered index (which contains the ZIP as additional attribute. The record length in the CI is 23 bytes whereas the record length in the NCI is 13 bytes! So ix_CCode is quite smaller than the CI and will produce less output than the CI.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    MVP - Data Platform (2013 - ...)
    my blog: (german only!)

  • Hi Uwe,

    Yes you understood my question correctly and thanks for the explanation.

    One further question, how does one calculate the no. of bytes used up by CI/NCI. In our case CI=13 bytes and NCI=23 bytes, how do you arrive at this?


  • Hi Rishi,

    a good (the best) starting point is "SQL Server Internals" from Kalen Delaney. On Page 309 you find a pretty cool explanation of the row structure. Furthermore you will get a good information about row structures from Paul Randal here:[/url]

    For my example the calculation is as follows:

    Clustered Index

    4 Bytes for the record header

    4 bytes for the ID column (int)

    3 Bytes for the CCode column

    10 Bytes for the ZIP column

    2 Bytes for the number of columns

    1 Byte for the NULL bitmap


    24 Bytes for the record (uups i calculated in my previous answer wrong - thought 4 bytes for CCode 🙁 )

    Due to the fact that no variable length column is present no additional bytes are used for them!

    NonClustered Index

    EVERY record has the same structure so you only have to subtract 10 bytes for the ZIP column from the above calculated size and you get the length of the record.

    NOTE: This is a simplified example because I don't take into consideration a UNIQUE constraint for the indexe(s). That would burst this thread 🙂

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    MVP - Data Platform (2013 - ...)
    my blog: (german only!)

  • Thanks Uwe.

  • Great question, thanks.

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  • Uwe Ricken (8/25/2014)

    24 Bytes for the record (uups i calculated in my previous answer wrong - thought 4 bytes for CCode 🙁 )

    4?? Surely 2 ? 4 would have given 25, not 23.

    Nice question, anyway.


  • TomThomson (8/26/2014)

    4?? Surely 2 ? 4 would have given 25, not 23.

    Nice question, anyway.

    AAARGH - I'm a scatterbrain.

    You are right - it should be 2 not 4!

    To early in the morning 🙂

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    MVP - Data Platform (2013 - ...)
    my blog: (german only!)

  • Nice question, thanks

  • yes, nice question, thanks for it.

  • Iulian -207023 (8/26/2014)

    yes, nice question, thanks for it.

    +1 - Nice explanation too


  • Very nice question as well as the explanation. Thanks for sharing

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Nice question. And you presented the answer clearly. Thanks.

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