• Henrico Bekker (2/20/2012)

    So as it stands, your reply to Satish seems to me to be nothing other than inaccurate nonsense.

    next time, I'll run it past you, to ensure it meets YOUR requirements.

    I'll ask Steve to give you the 1 point as it ruined your day apparently.

    Try not to be more of an arrogant idiot than you can help.


  • Tom and Enrico

    I'm only learning this stuff (SQL Server). That's why I come here. There seems to be a better cross section of SQL experts here than I have found at other fora. The spat that this discussion has descended into though, is a rather unedifying spectacle. I get the arguments on both sides. I don't get the personal attacks. You guys contribute, presumably out of altruism, and those of us still getting a handle on the caper are the better for it. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. It belittles you both.;-)

    ...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell

  • thanks,

    Its good to know this....

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • We can also use any no. of semicolon before WITH also -

    ;;;with CTE as (select * from LocationMaster)

    select LocationName from CTE

    So, semicolon doesnt make any effect that how many semicolons you used after any statement or as a prefix to WITH while writing a CTE expression...:-P

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • i did something in past 1+

    Neeraj Prasad Sharma
    Sql Server Tutorials

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