Exam 441 (beta) corrected

  • Hello everybody,

    today I received an email from MS that they made some adjustment to the results of the (Beta) exam 70-441 so that I now passed the exam instead of the original fail. Of course in the mena time I had passed the official version so it don't makes much difference (except for the free vouchers you get) but I was wondering how many others received such a mail. If I remember right my original score (ca. 560) was not even close to passing, so they must have made some serious adjustments.

    What do others think of this ?


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • The scores were fixed a few weeks ago, the email went out recently (I got mine last night).

    There were a *lot* of people (including me) who walked away from that beta feeling like they passed it until they saw their score.  There were some big problems early in the full release as well.  Word quietly leaked out from MS that there were problems (I learned of it in the MCT private newsgroups), and to sit tight because the complaints had been heard. 

    A few weeks ago, the results of the re-scoring effort began showing up on transcripts.  They must have recently finished updating everybody, and followed up with the email.


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • I got one as well. Hopefully they truly regraded the exams and threw some questions out to make it better and didn't just start passing too many people.

    This highlights one of the issues with the exam process. When you get your results, you have no idea how you did on particular questions. I'd like to see them score it real time and perhaps tell you which questions you missed as well as develop some appeal process. I don't want to see the questions and answers getting out, but right now it's a black box and if MS makes a mistake, no one can catch them.

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