error Output File cleanup does not delete files script d'olla

  • Hello everyone,

    I use olla scripts in my backup and maintenance operations

    there is a step that overwrites the old log file Output File Cleanup

    cmd /q /c "For /F "tokens=1 delims=" %v In ('ForFiles /P "Q:\Backup\log" /m *_*_*_*.txt /d -30 2^>^&1') do if EXIST "Q:\Backup\log"\%v echo del "Q:\Backup\log"\%v& del "Q:\Backup\log"\%v"

    this and it comes out with an error

    Sans titre


    Run as user: xxxxx \ SQLAGENT2K8QUA. ... 20190214_220307.txt "Access denied." Q: \ Backup \ log "\" DatabaseBackup_FULL_0xBEE0AC49E7982D49842F71412C701125_1_20190228_220234.txt "Access denied." Q: \ Backup \ log "\" DatabaseBackup_FULL_0xBEE0AC49E7982D49842F71412C701125_1_20190301_220115.txt "Access denied." Q: \ Backup

    while on the folder the service agent startup account sql server has all the necessary rights side windows

    Sans titre2

    Sans titre

    thank you for your help

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